There are many ways to use ForumCards:Animal Instincts. We have included some suggestions, but of course you should feel free to improvise with your own ideas (and hopefully share them with us as well).
What are Your Own Animal Instincts
Option 1. My Instinctive Style
Participants are asked to pick a card (choose an animal) that they believe most closely resembles their instinctive response to dealing with conflict. They show the card to the group, and explain how effective they feel this conflict management style has been for them as well as to discuss what might be any drawbacks of this particular style.
Option 2. What am I Lacking?
Participants are asked to select a card/animal that represents an approach to conflict management that they feel might be productive and one which they might want to add to their style repertoire, but that they do not seem to currently practice. They are then asked to describe when it this strategy might be useful and with whom (spouse/partner, boss/employees, kids, etc…), and why they might find it to be difficult to practice.
Option 3. What is my Hot Button?
Participants are asked to identify the animal representing the conflict management style they find to be the most offensive. What really “gets your goat?” What is it about that style that sets them off? How do they respond? Who are the people in their lives who use that style most often?